
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ss is for Star Wars Day - um… Week.

I have been waiting for this one for a long time.  Unfortunately, on the day I had it scheduled, Ss was for SICK!  Blech!  We have been sick for over two weeks now.  We keep passing colds back and forth. 

So, today was very slow.  And it may include the Trilogy  by the end of the day.  Winking smile And we will do have a Star Wars Week instead of Day.  And action shots will have to wait until I have a voice… or a baby without a nasty cold… or both.

Here are some materials I used to get this unit study together:

This adorable Star Wars Preschool Pack from Homeschool Creations

Free Printable Star Wars Lego Tags

Star Wars Printable Tags

Darth Vader

This hysterical set of Star Wars alphabet cards


This party used homemade playdough with glitter as “Galaxy Playdough”… brilliant!

Enjoy!  More ideas and follow through will come in the next few days.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Qq is for Quilt

Box #1 was a few pages from LOTW


Box #2 was a book called The Quilting Bee by Gail Gibbons


It was SO fun to read!!  There were tons of facts in easy to understand bites:


Box #3 is a worksheet I made that had a bed frame picture from the top down that he covered with mosaic squares he glued on.


Box #4 Patterning from LOTW.


Box #5 cutting activity from LOTW


Box #6 was a game called First Words.  He is at the point where he can read most 3 letter words without help and many other words with help. 


Box #7 was a set of huge foam dice and a the game “Roll to the Top”.


Box #8 was Dot to Dot count to 10 book


Box #9 was a pattern block sheet I printed (should have done it on card stock) that is a quilt square.  He loved this.  Smile


Box #10 was completely off theme… but the boys got Ninja Bread Men for Christmas in their stockings and we had yet to make them.  Although we usually make our own cookie dough from organic ingredients, this time we used a gifted dough from a friend and made some yummy treats!


It was an awesome day with the letter Qq!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pp is for Police


Box #1 was the book What’s Inside a Police Car along with a few handwriting activities and the Pp letter tub from Lakeshore Learning.  I used the printables from Homeschooling Creations for this unit.


Box #2 was two patterning activities.


Box #3 was the count to 10 dot-to-dot book.


Box #4 was a hair comparison venn diagram.


  We got Cyan and our little neighbor girl who has VERY curly dark hair to donate to the cause.  The hair was just different enough that Logan had no issue completing the venn diagram.  Smile 


Box #4 was a writing activity again.  We are working through the whole alphabet on handwriting so you will see these in here a lot.


Box #6 Pp is for Pencil pattern sheet.  Still a favorite!


Box #7 Another version of beginning sounds bingo!


Box #8 was a make your own stoplight kit that came along with police prinables from Homeschooling Creations.  Logan cut these circles out all by himself.  I was really impressed!


Box #9 was another book on Police Officers which Don (who was sick today) read to Logan and pointed out all the things that were similar to his job.


Box #10 was a Crime Scene that I created using the book Lu & Clancy’s Crime Scene by Louise Dickson.


We used pieces of Styrofoam to make tooth impressions of each family member and then had someone take a bite out of a cookie.  Then Logan had to ‘investigate’ (his $5 word for the day) to figure out who ate the cookie.  He LOVED it! 

Also in this box was a tiny book for his Pp is for Police lapbook that has numbers of finger prints.  We each donated our fingertips to help him collect how many he needed. 

May be the best school day ever!

Oo is for Owl and Ocean

I am trying to get back to it.  Here is what we did for the letter Oo!


Box #1: some Oo is for Ocean lapbook pages from Homeschool Share along with some pages from the Oo section of Letter of the Week from Confessions of a Homeschooler.


Box #2: Beginning sounds bingo!  I have three versions of this game that all work a little differently and it really helps Logan to see all the different words so that he pronounces and spells them with the right letters.  In young kids you often see Rr sounds turn to Ww sounds and sometimes Ffs or Tts are left out entirely… this way, he gets gentle, fun reinforcement for his letter sounds without really having to be corrected.  I have found it a wonderful tool!


Box #3 was patterning beads.


Box #4 handwriting practice on some dollar store writing strips.


Box #5 we added his lapbook things to his letter notebook… which is getting REALLY full!


Box #6 were 1 - 10 number, word, and picture card puzzle.  He still needs help with the word, but I can reinforce the beginning sounds at the same time.


Box #7 I added a sand garden and some shells.  He played with it for about an hour after he was done with school.


Box #9 was an owl pattern block picture I printed on cardstock.  He just LOVES these!  They are like puzzles to him and he has fun every time he works with them.  Smile  Idea from here.


Box #10 was the book Hello Ocean.  We read that and then he asked to go back and play with the sand garden again.  Smile