
Monday, April 20, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday goes AWOL!

Today Muffin Tin Monday went AWOL. We took ours to the zoo. It was a nice, warm, beautiful day. We were there for hours... enjoying the beauty of the sun. Before that, we took a jog down at Chamber's Bay... that was nearly as interesting (and photo-worthy) as the zoo. Make sure to turn the captions on.


  1. WOW! You have some fantastic pictures!
    Otters are so cute!

  2. Well, that's a totally fun place to go AWOL at!!! I love that you made it into a slideshow! :)

  3. What great photos, and what a yummy lunch!

  4. Wow - you got some great pictures!

  5. Wow! Even a video to go along with your Muffin Tin Monday post! You're good!

    Thanks for sharing. I too love the zoo. It's one of my favorite places as I love animals.


Thank you for the comments. Have a great day!