
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Fun with Cork Stamps

Blueberry season is almost here! Only another week or so and we will have fresh local blueberries. It is a huge deal in this household. We eat pounds upon pounds of blueberries and we freeze about 30lbs each season for winter. We put them in oatmeal, feed them to teething toddlers, drop them into pancakes, and most of all, eat when we need a cool down.

A couple of weeks ago, I was surfing and I don't even remember what I was looking for.... but I stumbled across By Sun and Candlelight on accident and I was fully enthralled for quite a while. This mama is incredible!

So by this post I came by this craft.

It was so amazingly simple! You just take a cork (or a few different sizes) and stick a Phillips head screw driver in the bottom of it. Tap a few times on a blue ink pad and voila, you have a blueberry! The leaves I just cut half of the cork off to make a half circle. It was simple. I even used scissors! The kids were stamping away within minutes and were having a blast. :)

Logan, Cyan, and I had a great time doing making stationary for the upcoming blueberry season and then, like all things, the project evolved:

Grapes and cherries.

And here are all of Cyan's cork stamp creations.

My personal favorite... she called it "bush of currents". So cute!


  1. Those little cork stamps are very clever! We love blueberries in our house, too, but all we can get fresh here is highbush.

  2. I don't know if we can grow them over here in the UK. They are always pretty expensive - a lovely treat on special occaisions! I love the cork stamps. Corks are one thing we do have a lot of in this house!!!

  3. These are CUTE!!

    I gotta say I adore the name Cyan! I might have to steal it for number 2. People seem to think we have a color theme going with Blu. lol People constantly suggest color names to us. lol

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