Cyan got bit by a dog yesterday. She was playing with him and they both went for the same toy at the same time. He bit her face. I know it was an accident, but the owner of the dog is being less than understanding about my asking them to train the dog, so my daughter is being trained instead. (And of course, she is not allowed to go over there anymore.)
In truth, this 'training' is needed for any child who loves animals as my daughter does. She would often rather be around a neighbor friends dog, than around that neighbor friend. She LOVES animals... esp dogs. Talks constantly about how we are getting dogs when we buy a house, etc. So this was coming. But I wish it didn't come with discourse and frustration of her being hurt and them not being understanding about that. I took the high road. I can only hope that it will come back to me in the hereafter, because right now I feel like a dupe... but a dupe that is keeping the neighborhood peace.
Anyway... Cyan's 'training' will include Loki & Alex, Not Afraid of Dogs, Good Boy Fergus!, and May I Pet Your Dog. It is also including a few volunteer hours with a vet we happen to know, and hopefully (if my email proves fruitful) some time working at the local Shelter with dogs (with me of course, she is only 6 after all).
I am sorry this happened... but I am grateful for the ideas it gave me to help my daughter understand the dangers of dogs, and yet not be afraid. Trying to see this as a blessing. Hopefully it doesn't scar.
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