
Sunday, June 15, 2008

The last review of first grade

Language Arts... She has been writing and illustrating stories for two weeks now. She mostly writes and draws about horses, princesses, and hedgehogs. Which make me laugh. Her writings are getting more concrete and she is really starting to understand sequence and logic and she is adding that into her stories. I am enjoying this more free time to just watch her use the tools I have given her.

We firmed up some knowledge that we had touched on. Place value and fractions being the main topics.

Science... We are doing a lot of this just naturally as we finish up the harder work (planting/supporting) in the garden and start to get ready to harvest. We have spent a lot of time watching the bees we are so grateful to have here this year. She has noticed the flowers and fruit on all the bushes around the yard and we have had some great conversations about it. We have also talked a bunch about how plants get their energy and the cycle of life that comes after that when animals get that energy by eating it, and then carnivores get that energy from the small animals etc. We have identified most of the birds that come into our yard and are putting together a ‘field guide’ of the Rose Backyard with pictures, illustrations, and little personal notes about each critter we have here this time of year.

Social Studies/PE Health... We have done a lot of fun play with our friends. Most homeschool play groups and library groups are finished now.

Fine arts... Still going. Nothing outlasts the Energizer. ("I am an artist, Mom. Art is my life.")

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