
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Progress review for Jan - Feb


Language Arts: She finished the third Explode the Code book two weeks ago and has been enjoying reading full books by herself. Right now we are reading Mo Willems easy reader series. If you haven't checked them out, please do. They are hysterical! He uses a lot of expression in his writing and it has helped with punctuation practice and expressive reading. She is getting faster, slowly.

Math: Going steadily now. Not super fast, but we are working through a chapter or two a week. She is working on skip counting and money in Moving Beyond the Page, and then skip counting and addition in Math U See so they are flowing together nicely and she is having a lot of fun.

Science has slowed a bit now that we are really into social studies again. We have been doing some cooking and talked about the viscosity of liquids, the necessity of doing things correctly to get the result we want. She has also been doing a lot of potion making. ;)

Social Studies: Right now we are studying communities and the people who live and work in them. We have made a map of our neighborhood, talked about community workers, and talked about what she might like to be when she grows up. We are reading about the city and the country and the differences. We have also discussed where she would like to live when she gets her own house. She loved that.

Fine Arts: She is drawing again! I have to admit to loving having a child that loves to draw. She is so darned good at it. She also has her first dance recital on May 30 so be prepared... I just might send pictures. ;)

PE: She is still doing the homeschool PE program with the YMCA, and as the days lighten up, we are spending more and more time outside. I love spring (and it is almost here!!).


Language Arts: This has been a leaps and bounds month for Alex in LA. He has started to write reports, do more practice and reading on his own, and really get the hang of research. It has been amazing to watch! We have also studied the basics of poetic writing and the different forms of classic poetry. His poetry is really incredible. He has a gift with words, and I am excited to see more of this as we continue into poetry.

Math: We are starting to move much faster in math. The basic concepts of the order of operations have been secured and practiced over and over now... so the problems are moving more smoothly and quickly. Currently he is working with problems that have parenthesis, exponents, fractions, and multiplication all in one. They are complicated, but each piece is relatively simple. It took a week or so to get him to slow down enough to break the problems down... after that, he has started flying. He has completed two chapters this week alone.

Science: We have been working with liquids this month. The viscosity, surface tension, and conductivity of several liquids has been ‘tested’. Mixing things is one of his favorite activities in school right now!

Social Studies: In social studies we are working on Geography more than anything else, although he has been studying the capital cities of states. Learning how to read maps to get from one place to the next is a big lesson for this age. It has been fun getting to places with him though. :) I have stared letting him give me directions, etc... and most of the time we get there without a fuss.

Fine Arts: Currently, his big art project is making pictures of his entire quarter collection and putting it up on a large poster board for his room. He has all the quarters now and acquired them all himself start to finish.

Technology: He has been doing a lot of research on the computer, although the computer cannot be his first resource for research papers. He has also started finding some of his own study web sites. Yesterday he found this site:

Shepard's Software State Capitol Game

He is getting good at finding what he needs. It is pretty neat to watch him right now. :)

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