
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Thinking Ahead ~ Easter

I have been thinking about Easter baskets for a while now. I like to make them good. The kids always get one movie (this year it is going to be Mary Poppins because when our VHS died, we lost that one. Unacceptable!), and a few play things along with the traditional sugar addiction. So far, my ideas are a felt fishing game for Logan with magnets, and an herb garden for Cyan made out of egg shells for her windowsill. I am out of ideas for 12 year old boys. Maybe a homemade card with $10 in it? He would love that! lol! But seriously, I need some ideas...

I have put out a few feelers to those ladies that I know are frugal and kinda crafty. ;) I am hoping we can really throw some ideas back and forth and get some good Easter baskets for our kiddos for little or no cash.

Up for it?


  1. Typical baskets for us are little playthings- cars, chalk, etc. I always tend to put batteries and coins in eggs, for years they have gotten a t-shirt....this year since I won't buy any of the premade candies I have been tossing around ideas for homemade ones- I'd love to do a more natural, cheaper version I am up for ideas and helping out.

  2. Hmmm... homemade candies? Wow... you aspire high. :) I will have to think on that one but can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Love Val

  3. Here you can find some suggestions for the same quetion.

  4. Thanks Sarah! I added one of my favorites to that list too... she has quite the collection of ideas going!



Thank you for the comments. Have a great day!