"It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need of freedom; " -Albert Einstein
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sibling rivalry...
Monday, June 29, 2009
MTM ~ Independence Day!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
We have a mouser! And the circle of life...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Awwww... gotta love cool summer days.
My newest fun craft project:
Boxes and lids made from old cereal boxes:
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Book pick of the week ~ Chickens Aren't the Only Ones
Finger print art
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Moutianeers Beach Tour with the Jr Naturalists
Monday, June 22, 2009
Muffin Tin Monday ~ Copy cat
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Copy Cat ~ Cardboard castle!
Logan loved the idea of being able to color on the castle. He happily ran around drawing where everyone else was... which made my little girl not so happy.
After I explained to her that it didn't have to be perfect, then both the older kids seemed ok with letting Logan in on the fun.
He sure was proud of himself. :)
Right now the kids are laying in the castle listening to a story on CD. Doesn't get much better than that.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Early Ed ~ Something New
This is how it was set up, and he couldn't wait to move it to his table and try it. I actually had to go find peas so he could do this because he was sitting there, waiting at the table for me to finish this activity for him.
First he transfered with the spoon which is said to help a lot with writing skills later on. Then he started picking up the bowls and dumping the peas (very carefully) into the other dish. I know that isn't really how it is supposed to be set up... but I figure, he sees me do that in cooking a lot... so I think the first is a 'pre-writing skill', and the second is a 'life skill'. :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Blank wall makeover
The entire thing was free and recycled. Scrap lumber found in my kindling pile (what I was looking for when I found all my crown molding) along with old rulers, white washed with left over paint from the trim and added hooks from an old coat rack. Not sure how I feel about the little red felt flowers that I added right this second, but I am loving the rest. Luckily, the flowers are only held on with tiny tacks that I didn't stick in all the way, so they should be easily removed if I needed to do that.
Copy Cat...
How would the first days of vacation be complete without a raspberry jellyfish??
If you ever want to get a toddler involved in cooking... let them pound cracker crumbs! Logan LOVED doing this and was upset when I said he was done.
(He is not wearing makeup... he fell last night in the bathtub and gave himself a horrible shiner. He also got into the strawberries day before yesterday and ended up with hives all over. Poor baby is a mess right now. :( )
And soon to be copied: Card Board Castle!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The new homeschool room is ready for action!
I cannot express how excited I am about this room! It is now my favorite room in the house. :) I love how it has turned out and with the way it is set up, it will be easy to keep it looking this way for a good long time! I almost want to call off summer vacation to start school in this beautiful space.
Make sure you turn the captions on. :)
P.S. We have not yet put up the crown molding. It still needs to be primed and painted. I am hoping to get that done when Dh is at work this week so we can cut and put it up this next weekend.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
New coat rack. Ready for lunch?
A lot of changes have been going on here in the Rose Garden. It is amazing to be in this new house. We have put our weekends to work lately, fixing up and updating the spaces. Mainly the homeschool room. :) I can't wait to share it with you all. It should be done tomorrow. *Glee*
- Put up pictures.
- Hang hooks.
- Add book shelves
- Unpack those final boxes on to those bookshelves
It feels so good to be here. The last house was so horrible and falling down around our ears. As we update and start to use this one, I realise how much stewardship and caring for a house really means. Getting the job done right is really important to how a house feels, and how it performs as well. In the other house, every time we opened a cabinet, or the dishwasher, or went to the bathroom, or took a bath, we were reminded that the house wasn't taken care of. Now it is just the opposite. This house was loved and taken care of WELL. The laundry room actually is set up so that our dryer works better than ever before (clean dryer vents make a HUGE difference in how your well your dryer dries.)... which is wonderful considering I have had to do 9 loads of laundry since we hooked it up on Friday afternoon.
Ok... on to the things that have to do with homeschool:
I'll give you a hint. It used to be very dark brown.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
Sign off
And just to keep school in the post, here is a pic from this morning of our crazy sweet potato plant:
And our tomato experiment:
Even with the toddler abuse the bottom one seems to be doing ok. The top one has FLOWERS! :)
See you all next week and hope you have an amazing weekend!!!
~ Val in the Rose Garden