
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Early Ed ~ Pouring

You know how sometimes there are those crafts and games that kids will do for hours... and then there are others where you get the perfunctory first try and they say "Thanks... all done now" after like, 2 minutes? Yep, believe it or not, this was one of the later. He didn't really like doing it at all! I was amazed and it will still be on the shelf all week, but wow. He really wasn't into it.

It was a cute 2 minutes of him trying to get it down though. I think the thing that ruined it for him was the clean up. I didn't have any more pinto beans because I made them last week, so I used yellow split peas and they are really hard to pick up! So I will try it again later this week with pintos, and I will update.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed Logan could do this because Emily had a little trouble with it at first (now she's a pro), and we did this fairly recently. I agree, try it again with the lentils and see if he enjoys it a little more.


Thank you for the comments. Have a great day!