
Friday, November 13, 2009

Our nature table display

We have a chance to get our nature table collection in the library glass display case this month. Here are a few pictures:





I added a few books that we enjoy throughout the seasons.


  1. Lovely!! So much better than legos and little pet shop -- I hope you've set the bar for others to start doing more displays like this. Our library has the same thing and I always look at the case and think it should be more waldorf or more artsy...maybe I'll see if I can sign us up too! : )

  2. What a beautiful display! Looks so professional. We have cases like those at ours too, but I am not sure people can sign up to fill them. Right now one has the cutest egg shell ornaments- all painted like birds. It's on my agenda to replicate them.

  3. That is so cool! We always stop and look at the collections that are on display at our local library.

  4. Wonderful! I love the display and also the idea of offering a display in a library.
    But I have to say, I also love Legos, and even if they aren't so beautiful natural looking, they are very inspiring and endless.
    Talking about a box full of plain Legos, no plans, nothing else....

  5. maybe i should ask our librarians if we can fill the display case at our library!

  6. It turned out so beautiful, I love how you did the seasons!!! Adding was the perfect touch : )


Thank you for the comments. Have a great day!