
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Picking up speed ~ Ff and Gg

We have started moving at a higher rate of speed because my boy is somehow picking up this stuff super duper quick!  So I added in Gg to our Ff lessons and away we go!

Box #1: The Gg and the Ff Lakeshore Letter Tubs along with the Waldorf Alphabet Book.  For this box I did something I NEVER allow the kids to do.  I dumped the tubs out together!  Yes I did!  And then I had him sort the things into their correct spots.  He did everything perfectly, except for “Fence” but when I asked him why “Fence” was in the Gg tub, he said it was a “Gate”.  So it was correct after all!  Smart boy!


Box #2: Something else new.  I added in actual workbooks!  Get Ready for the Code is the first book in the Explode the Code series that my other two older children have worked their way all the way through.  It deals with basics of hand movement, starting sounds, and word beginnings… basically a bit of what I am already doing.  And it made him very proud when Cyan said “Oh I remember those workbooks!”  lol…


Box #3: This was the project he worked on with Daddy while I was at the dentist.  The leaf cutouts that they pasted to the tree. 


The exercise is a gratitude tree!  It’s all the things he is thankful for.  At first he was saying things like “candy” and “toys” but as he went through he started to get SO cute and creative!  “Going to Gunner’s House” was one, and “Winter Snowballs” was another one.  He is getting so big!  Last year it was nothing but things like “I am grateful for food”. 


Box #4: Wipe off worksheets for the letters Ff and Gg!


Box #5: A few sheets for the Alphabet Notebook.


Box #6:  Time to get up and Move!  Yoga!!!


Box #7 was the favorite of the day. 


The Ff is for Feelings game!  I got this idea handed down from a friend and I thought it was great! 


He wanted to make the faces on the board as we talked about the times he has had those feelings and what he has been able to do about it… it was cute… and a great teaching moment too!  (I just love ‘tired’… Haha!)


Box #8 was a patterning activity from LOTW.


Box #9: Dot to Dots!  Smile


And Box #10 was his Alphabet Notebook so we could add all his new stuff in and get to work on his Lapbook pages for Ff and Gg!


Stay tuned for tomorrows “Gg is for Garden!”


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