Oh wow. You want to see something really fun? Get The Best of The Electric Company from the library or from Netflix. Goodness... what fun! And what a great idea. We picked up our copy along with Planet Earth and we can't decide which is better. lol... I had never seen the Electric Company before. I am not of the TV generation. I wasn't allowed to watch much tv until I was a teen. I think I saw The Muppets regularly... and then occasionally Golden Girls at my grandma's house on the weekends... that was it.
This video series was recomended for my reluctant reader. It isn't that she is bad at it... she just doesn't care. She is also a very VERY sight oriented person. So things like different texts between books, she will notice. It makes her wonderful at art she already draws subtleties like shadows in the grass and the colors in the birds eye... but switch book series she is reading and the difference between g in one font and g in another font will throw her right off. Same with a and a. It bugs her that they are different. She doesn't understand. And automatically she wants to write them however they are in the book she is working in. It has been an issue with doing Explode the Code, and Handwriting without Tears at the same time. They have very different texts, and both expect you to write a lot. It is like it is a block with her. She can't get past the subtle things that are different. Well the very first episode of The Electric Company we saw was on g ('gu' sound) and g ('ju' sound). She LOVED it... ate it up actually. Laughed and talked about it, and was nodding her head along with the show.
With Alex, he was also a reluctant reader. Now he just read the entire "Voyages of Dr Dolittle" in two days. I am not worried that she will not read. Our whole family is filled with avid readers. My dad is a English Professor, his girlfriend is a librarian. Don and I read about two books a week, and the kids are constantly in the middle of something on tape and something in chapter books and usually something on their own (and Cyan is in the middle of something else in lessons). So, we read. A lot. She will read. It is just a matter of when. Once she gets all the subtleties, it will just turn on, like a light switch. I can't wait. But I am willing to be patient for her to have a full understanding of it. It has been fun for this series to address one of her issues right away though. I wonder what the others will teach her?
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