My plan is to keep making my own curriculum. We will have a artist, and a composer each month that we will be studying. We will stick to the schedule we have now (M- Library day, T- Cooking day, W- Nature Journal day, Th- Art and Sewing day, F- Field trip day (days can change if need be... that is just what worked this year)) and will cycle through the composers and artists we have picked twice total through out the year. Then we will be using core studies (Singapore Math, Explode the Code, and Cursive Handwriting without Tears for Cyan, and I am still looking for Alex.)
For history, I was thinking about making a curriculum that is based on the Beautiful Feet Ancient History Intermediate packet. This is mostly for Alex of course, but I can find one craft, or something that links it for Cyan, and all the reading outloud (from books like Aesop's Fables, stories from the bible, Greek myths, Roman myths, and hosts of others) will be for them both.
For most of this, we will have two things going. A huge map of the world, where we will mark all the places we are "traveling" to, and a timeline (a notebook form timeline like the Accordion Fold Format on this page). This will give a base in Geography and world studies.
That is about it. It will have to be adjusted of course, as I go along. But I think it will be well rounded, and leave us tons of room to decide (like we have many times this year) to spend a couple more weeks on one thing, or only a few days on another.
I would love input from anyone who has done two grades that are completely different like this. It would be wonderful to get some other ideas on how to incorporate the grades.
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