Friday, December 4, 2009

Advent at my House

Advent at my house has always been a big deal. My mom made an advent calendar from felt in the shape of this giant tree, and we would put an ornament on each day. We loved it! This year, we are fighting back the holiday blues with crafts, so each of the pockets of my advent calendar are filled with a strip of paper that has a craft or trip to do that day. The kids are just LOVING it!

I am posting about most of the crafts on my other blog (and more) here.

  1. Trip to Mt Rainier
  2. Fantasy Lights and Hot Cocoa
  3. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie the play
  4. Recycled paper ornament balls
  5. Special chocolate (I am going to be gone all day long)
  6. Cutting our tree with Daddy
  7. Beaded key chains for gifts
  8. Teasel hedgehog ornaments
  9. Paper crane ornaments
  10. Waldorf paper stars
  11. Watching a Christmas movie with popcorn
  12. Carmel apples
  13. Going to Zoo Lights with hot apple cider
  14. Button bracelets
  15. Painting recycled wrapping paper
  16. Pressed leaf glitter ornaments
  17. Bird seed pincones
  18. Chocolate dipped nuts and fruits
  19. Recycled carol lanterns
  20. Christmas cookies
  21. Paper snowflakes
  22. Paper egg ornaments
  23. Open your stocking!!

Any advent crafts or traditions in your house that you can't live without?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.

Hope you are all well.

Lou x

Lisa said...

I love your advent calender! Very pretty! We can't live without christmas cookie decorating at grandma's and paper snowflakes galore!
Happy Holidays

Tan Family said...

What a terrific idea! :)

Tyreese said...

I love the idea of filling an Advent calendar with craft ideas.