How would the first days of vacation be complete without a raspberry jellyfish??
I have become a copy cat. So many people just have so many wonderful ideas! Please tell me I am not the only one?
This wonderful seascape dessert idea came from copies of Her Cup Overfloweth and her kids shark dessert and a wonderful tiny jellyfish idea from Heather on the Muffin Tin Monday flickr page. The kids LOVED it!

If you ever want to get a toddler involved in cooking... let them pound cracker crumbs! Logan LOVED doing this and was upset when I said he was done.
(He is not wearing makeup... he fell last night in the bathtub and gave himself a horrible shiner. He also got into the strawberries day before yesterday and ended up with hives all over. Poor baby is a mess right now. :( )
And soon to be copied: Card Board Castle!
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